Tuesday, January 12, 2010

@ Johor

Johor here I come!!!
First day, we arrive at 910pm. then my eldest sis and her husband and 2 kids came and fetch us up then go stay one nite in Hotel @ Johor. And one thing I gonna say is..... a stupid malay girl!! she sit beside mysis on the aeroplane... the plane is flying~ guess wat?? her phone ringing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! before that she still sms!! I was so angry and ask mysis to tell her. but then mysis nt dare. I started to cried, coz I'm scare..think tat if my parents was here, sure they will say!! Then her phone is ringing, mysis angry and told her to off the phone! but she din. STUPID GIRL!!

Then the next morning we go a high class shopping mall tat like Spring de x 3 big. Is big and nice to walk. But then I just bought some from there. Shop till nite just back to mysis hometown Batu Pahat. :D On the way back~ makan beside de road shop. 福建面,not bad la. Then 10 smth arrive home. Chat lots with sis and then sleep.
The second days, my sis got to work. So canot bring us go shop. After sent mysis to work, Then er er drive me out!! SHOPPING TIME!!!! We buy lots of clothes!!!!! Each person carry 6 kg de things. Shop till 4 hours, then really cant tahan le. so we back home rest.
And today rest day. No shopping. Stay at home watching new movie series named " 海派甜心'' 小猪和杨丞琳 do de. VERY NICE!!! GUYS~ you must go watch this. ^^ Afternoon go Mcdonald Drive-thru there order our meals. Nice and fun and FAST! hehe. When kch will do this ar? Lousy. Hmm. tat all for today. Tml I'm going to BP MALL shoppp luu. Nite guys. Love you.

And I miss my ♥ Bii so much.
Miss Darren and Dylan too.
Wait me~~~

to be continue....


Brenda said...

Seem likes a wonderful trip..can shop a lotss..haha XD I wana go Johor liao..

muffin*shasha*~ said...

haha!! dada sure you will love here.

XianXian said...

hahaha! so fun!!! i want go also!!! hahahahahahaha! eeee!!! y u guys no complain to those 空中小姐 or 空中少爷 o??? so dangerous!!!

ps said...

so nice~~ >.<