Monday, March 1, 2010


Start my sch life from now. Arg. First two subject then is ang mo people lai de. Cant understand what they talking about. Hope this semester I can do well. Good luck for myself!!!! Monday to Saturday, 9am to 4pm. Gosh! I hope Wednesday - Photography can bring out some fun. I nt yet buy my camera, RM4000 above man, how how how??!!! Anyone can intro me where to buy a cheaper camera?? I need it. :(

And my Baby went Singapore today. No msg is just soo boring. T_T Baby..faster come back. I need you sooo much. I will takecare myself. Dont worry. Here got Bii's geng ba, they will protect me If got ppl bully me XD. Enjoy your trip ya. muakz. =*

I love my Bii.
I love my family.
I love my frens.


XianXian said...

I want a new camera too!!! look like professional bar.. hahaha!

muffin*shasha*~ said...

hahah!! yaya. But no moneey!!

mikhaelkueh said...

Depends on what camera you choose o. If you choose around the cheapest one. Around 2000+ already can get.